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By: Prof. Dr.Hasan OKUYUCU, Prof.Dr.Salah HAJISMAIL

Turkiye, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan: Shared History and Opportunities for Regional Cooperation

02 Ocak 2025 Perşembe 21:50

Turkiye, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan are countries that have long coexisted under the same governance and share close cultural, historical, and social ties. This shared past continues to manifest in many common values among their peoples, such as language, traditions, lifestyles, and commercial practices. However, these nations have been grappling with security challenges and economic difficulties for some time and have not sufficiently developed their trade and economic relations despite their geographical proximity and cultural similarities.

Despite the fact that Turkiye and Syria have established a strategic cooperation council in 2009 and signed over 50 agreements such as free trade, and removal of visa free travel, which included later Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan too, aiming to have strong cooperation integrating the potentials of all the countries, mainly in economy, trade and tourism, but also to expand over defence and politics. However, the efforts and outcomes were ceased after the Arab spring, and what happened in Syria since 2011.

In this partnership, Iraq’s oil resources and young population, Turkiye’s relatively advanced technological infrastructure and dynamic demographic structure, Syria’s strategic geographical location and youth potential, and Lebanon and Jordan’s educated workforce and entrepreneurial tradespeople with commercial skills will play a key role.

A key advantage of this partnership is its potential to address the persistent terrorism challenges in the partner countries by fostering an environment of security and stability through economic cooperation.

Developmental Gaps and Regional Disadvantages

On a global scale, the disparity between developed and developing countries is one of the primary causes of economic imbalances. Developed nations hold a dominant position in global trade, thanks to their advanced technology, robust infrastructure, and high levels of capital accumulation. On the other hand, developing countries, including Turkiye, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, are disadvantaged in terms of economic growth and competitiveness due to these disparities.

This disadvantage becomes particularly pronounced in sectors that require high technology. While developed countries excel in increasing productivity through advanced technologies and strong logistics networks, developing nations often lack these capabilities and tend to export low-value-added products, struggling to compete in global markets.

Geographical Proximity and Cultural Similarity: Paths to Solutions

The disadvantages caused by developmental gaps can be significantly mitigated through regional advantages such as geographical proximity and cultural similarity. Geographical proximity can reduce transportation costs and foster the growth of intra-regional trade. For instance, exporting heavy industrial goods, agricultural products, and fast-moving consumer goods to neighboring countries can become more economically viable due to reduced transportation expenses.

Cultural similarities, on the other hand, facilitate cooperation by eliminating barriers to trade. A shared language, similar consumption habits, and close social values enhance harmony in business processes, accelerating the development of commercial relationships. For example, establishing joint production facilities between Turkiye and Syria could not only invigorate regional trade but also provide an opportunity to utilize the region’s workforce more efficiently.

Technology and Industrial Cooperation

It is possible to bridge or minimize the technological gap between developed and developing countries through regional cooperation. Turkiye has a relatively more advanced industrial infrastructure and technology compared to its neighbors. This advantage can be extended to neighboring countries through joint production projects. For instance, raw materials from Iraq and Lebanon could be processed in Turkiye’s facilities to produce high-value-added goods, contributing to the economic growth of the entire region.

Joint Education and Workforce Programs

Education and workforce development projects play a critical role in addressing developmental disparities. Turkiye’s universities and vocational schools can offer opportunities for the young population in the region to receive quality education. Shared cultural values simplify the adaptation process in education, while enhancing the skill set of the regional workforce, which in turn contributes to economic growth.

Enhancing Global Competitiveness

Another way to narrow the development gap is to strengthen the region’s position in global markets through regional collaboration. Joint initiatives by Turkiye, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan could present their products and services to international markets collectively, boosting their competitiveness and reducing their reliance on external economies. Establishing joint brands and regional logistics hubs could accelerate this process.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The disadvantages arising from global developmental gaps can largely be overcome by effectively utilizing geographical proximity and cultural similarities. Trade and economic cooperation between Turkiye and its neighboring countries would not only increase the welfare of the region’s people but also strengthen the region’s position in global markets. In this context, it is crucial to implement joint production facilities, education programs, and technology transfer projects. Leveraging geographical and cultural advantages will help bridge the gap with developed nations and pave the way for sustainable development.


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